Here is a link with games to review some Spanish things. Have fun!
Also, I emailed the second part of the practice exam just now. ¡OJO! Class location change for tomorrow: language lab in Arjona.
jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2010
martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010
Guía de estudio para examen final
Estimad@s estudiantes,
Aquí está la guía de estudio para el examen final.
Comprensión auditiva
La familia
Los números
La clase: el aula y los estudios
Presentación personal
Países y nacionalidades
Saludos y presentaciones
Números 0-1000
La hora
Familia y parientes
Ropa y colores
Los muebles, los cuartos…
¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? Las estaciones
La comida
Artículos definidos e indefinidos
Verbos en presente
Hay p. 15
Expresar gustos y preferencias
El género y los artículos
Presente: ser y estar
Presente: verbos en –ar, -er, -ir
Formas de singular y plural
Verbos tener, venir, preferir, querer, poder, ir, hacer, oír, poner, salir, traer, ver, saber/ conocer
Verbos con cambio de raíz
Pronombres y verbos reflexivos
Estar + gerundio
Comparaciones de desigualdad y de igualdad
Objeto directo
Mandatos formales
Aquí está la guía de estudio para el examen final.
Comprensión auditiva
La familia
Los números
La clase: el aula y los estudios
Presentación personal
Países y nacionalidades
Saludos y presentaciones
Números 0-1000
La hora
Familia y parientes
Ropa y colores
Los muebles, los cuartos…
¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? Las estaciones
La comida
Artículos definidos e indefinidos
Verbos en presente
Hay p. 15
Expresar gustos y preferencias
El género y los artículos
Presente: ser y estar
Presente: verbos en –ar, -er, -ir
Formas de singular y plural
Verbos tener, venir, preferir, querer, poder, ir, hacer, oír, poner, salir, traer, ver, saber/ conocer
Verbos con cambio de raíz
Pronombres y verbos reflexivos
Estar + gerundio
Comparaciones de desigualdad y de igualdad
Objeto directo
Mandatos formales
martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010
Rubric for Culture Presentations
Estimad@s estudiantes,
Below, you will find the rubric I will use to grade the culture / glogster presentations. As it indicates, you will be graded on the impact your project has on recipient/audience of your poster, as well as the strength of the information and the organization of the material presented. You work will be classified as meeting the characteristics of one of the four levels (distinguished, proficient, apprentice or novice) for both of the categories. This rubric and the descriptions should give you a clearer idea of what your poster is expected to achieve, and how you are expected to present it.
General instructions for submission: All components should be brought with you to class on the due date. Late submissions will not be accepted, and absence from class will not be sufficient excuse for accepting late material. Not meeting any of the specifications listed below (submission of poster & rubric) will result in loss of points from final project grade. If there are any doubts about anything related to the project or the grade, questions should be made before the start of class on the project due date. Lack of understanding (followed by lack of asking for an explanation) will not be an excuse for lateness or non-submission.
Submission of Poster: As stated earlier, the poster should be printed on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. Your name should be written on the back of your poster in such a way that it is not visible through the paper. You do not need to print in color. If you feel the clarity of your poster's contents is significantly decreased in printing it, you may bring in--in addition to the printed version--a laptop to allow for your classmates to see the poster. You must still submit a printed version.
Submission of Rubric: Please bring a copy of this rubric along with your poster. You should print this on a separate sheet with at least five skipped lines between the descriptions of "Awareness of Audience" and "Strength of Material, Organization".
Below, you will find the rubric I will use to grade the culture / glogster presentations. As it indicates, you will be graded on the impact your project has on recipient/audience of your poster, as well as the strength of the information and the organization of the material presented. You work will be classified as meeting the characteristics of one of the four levels (distinguished, proficient, apprentice or novice) for both of the categories. This rubric and the descriptions should give you a clearer idea of what your poster is expected to achieve, and how you are expected to present it.
General instructions for submission: All components should be brought with you to class on the due date. Late submissions will not be accepted, and absence from class will not be sufficient excuse for accepting late material. Not meeting any of the specifications listed below (submission of poster & rubric) will result in loss of points from final project grade. If there are any doubts about anything related to the project or the grade, questions should be made before the start of class on the project due date. Lack of understanding (followed by lack of asking for an explanation) will not be an excuse for lateness or non-submission.
Submission of Poster: As stated earlier, the poster should be printed on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. Your name should be written on the back of your poster in such a way that it is not visible through the paper. You do not need to print in color. If you feel the clarity of your poster's contents is significantly decreased in printing it, you may bring in--in addition to the printed version--a laptop to allow for your classmates to see the poster. You must still submit a printed version.
Submission of Rubric: Please bring a copy of this rubric along with your poster. You should print this on a separate sheet with at least five skipped lines between the descriptions of "Awareness of Audience" and "Strength of Material, Organization".
Element Being Evaluated | Distinguished | Proficient | Apprentice | Novice | Possible | Actual |
Awareness of Audience | • Significantly increases audience understanding and knowledge of topic; • Effectively convinces an audience to recog-nize the validity of a point of view. | • Raises audience understanding and awareness of most points; • Clear point of view, but development or support is inconclusive and incomplete. | • Raises audience understanding and knowledge of some points; • Point of view may be clear, but lacks development or sup-port. | • Does not really increase audience understanding of knowledge of topic; • Does not effectively convince the audi-ence. | ||
Strength of Material, Organization | • Clear purpose and subject; • Pertinent examples, facts, and/or statistics • Conclusions/ideas are supported by evidence; • Major ideas summa-rized and audience left with full understanding of presenter’s position. | • Has some success defining purpose and subject; • Some examples, facts, and/or statistics that support the subject; • Includes some data or evidence which sup-ports conclusions or ideas; • May need to refine summary or final idea. | • Attempts to define purpose and subject; • Weak examples, facts, and/or statistics, which do not adequately support the subject; • Includes very thin data or evidence in support of ideas or conclusions; • Major ideas may need to be summarized or audience is left with vague idea to remember. | • Subject and purpose are not clearly defined; • Very weak or no support of subject through use of exam-ples, facts, and/or sta-tistics; • Totally insufficient support for ideas or conclusions; • Major ideas left un-clear, audience left with no new ideas. |
miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010
Glogster Culture Project
Just wanted to give a bit more information about the Glogster poster project we discussed today. The posters are due on November 30th. I want you to bring a printed copy of your poster (8.5x11). The presentation should include some historical background on the country, but other than that, you can do anything you'd like.
Just wanted to give a bit more information about the Glogster poster project we discussed today. The posters are due on November 30th. I want you to bring a printed copy of your poster (8.5x11). The presentation should include some historical background on the country, but other than that, you can do anything you'd like.
martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010
Estoy asignando las citas...
I'm giving the slots on a first-come basis, and graying the options out as they are filled. Email me asap, please. I'd like you to have your preferred spot, and I'd like to avoid scheduling problems. (Although, since all but one slot are during classtime, there should be no problem) My 1pm class, if you absolutely cannot do the 12:45-1pm slot on Monday, I suggest letting me know your preference quickly... ¡Gracias! Hasta mañana; I hope you all enjoyed class today; I will see you tomorrow. Don't forget to do the reading! (190-191, 194-195)
el viernes, 12 de noviembre-
el viernes, 12 de noviembre-
12:15-12:30 NJ&KC
12:30-12:45 MM&CE
12:45-1 BM&BC
1-1:15 JC&MD
1:15-1:30 MK&FC
1:30-1:45 KG&SH
el lunes, 15 de noviembre-
12:15-12:30 NJ&KC
12:30-12:45 MM&CE
12:45-1 BM&BC
1-1:15 JC&MD
1:15-1:30 MK&FC
1:30-1:45 KG&SH
el lunes, 15 de noviembre-
12-12:15 JB&RS
12:15-12:30 OE&MB
12:30-12:45 TG&MO
12:45-1 KK&RH
1-1:15 GL&AB
1:15-1:30 RA&JR
1:30-1:45 JH&AT
1:45-2 CC&FD
12:15-12:30 OE&MB
12:30-12:45 TG&MO
12:45-1 KK&RH
1-1:15 GL&AB
1:15-1:30 RA&JR
1:30-1:45 JH&AT
1:45-2 CC&FD
Información examen oral
Aquí están las fotos para el examen oral.
En parejas, van a tener citas (appointments) de 15 minutos, y el examen va a durar (will last) aproximadamente diez minutos. Primero, van a hablar por unos minutos, van a saludar, hacer "small talk". Luego, van a hablar de una imagen que escogen (pick) ustedes. Después, yo escojo dos imágenes, y van a hablar de esas por unos minutos.
Ojo- the last image is a very important (to say the least) painting by a late-19th, early-20th century Puerto Rican painter, Francisco Oller. It was painted in 1893, and is titled "El Velorio" (The wake). I hope it will be a flexible and varied enough image to give you enough (interesting) topics to discuss.
Partners for 005:
Partners for 006:
Timeslots available for 005:
el viernes, 12 de noviembre-
el lunes, 15 de noviembre-
Aquí están las fotos para el examen oral.
Ojo- the last image is a very important (to say the least) painting by a late-19th, early-20th century Puerto Rican painter, Francisco Oller. It was painted in 1893, and is titled "El Velorio" (The wake). I hope it will be a flexible and varied enough image to give you enough (interesting) topics to discuss.
Partners for 005:
Partners for 006:
Timeslots available for 005:
el viernes, 12 de noviembre-
el lunes, 15 de noviembre-
Timeslots available for 006:
el viernes, 12 de noviembre-
el lunes, 15 de noviembre-
Email me before midnight tonight with your top three options for timeslots, or if there are any mistakes in the above information (or if you would like to request a change).
Grading criteria:
Grading criteria:
lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010
Tarea & updates
Favor de leer la sección de cultura sobre Costa Rica, páginas 190 a 191 en el libro de texto impreso (printed), y "Un paso más", páginas 194 a 195. Esta lectura es para mañana, martes, 9 de noviembre.
The details with regards to the oral exam (how long to talk, format, what additionals are allowed) are still being decided. I will upload the images here later on tonight. The mercado image won't be used; we'll find another one to replace it. By Wednesday all of the information will be clear.
What I expect will happen (no guarantees): we'll start off with basic saludos, talk a little about your likes & dislikes, a few minutes of conversation (similar to what we did for the extra credit), then spend about 3-5 minutes talking about each image. You pick one that you prepare a conversation about, and I will pick one for you to discuss in addition to that.
Most likely, you will not be allowed to have anything written with you, nor will you be allowed to use English (as with written evaluations). If you don't know how to say something, find another way to express it, or skip on to the next thing. No big.
Si hay preguntas, ya saben cómo comunicarse conmigo. Until we have the details figured out, I suggest making lists of what we've done so far, seeing anything you have questions about, asking questions in class this week, and studying :). For my 1pm class, you've got until midnight to let me know your groups (if you prefer picking them); sometime between that time and class tomorrow, I'll post the list of all the pairs (and most likely, the time slots for everyone--both classes--as well).
Hasta la próxima,
Favor de leer la sección de cultura sobre Costa Rica, páginas 190 a 191 en el libro de texto impreso (printed), y "Un paso más", páginas 194 a 195. Esta lectura es para mañana, martes, 9 de noviembre.
The details with regards to the oral exam (how long to talk, format, what additionals are allowed) are still being decided. I will upload the images here later on tonight. The mercado image won't be used; we'll find another one to replace it. By Wednesday all of the information will be clear.
What I expect will happen (no guarantees): we'll start off with basic saludos, talk a little about your likes & dislikes, a few minutes of conversation (similar to what we did for the extra credit), then spend about 3-5 minutes talking about each image. You pick one that you prepare a conversation about, and I will pick one for you to discuss in addition to that.
Most likely, you will not be allowed to have anything written with you, nor will you be allowed to use English (as with written evaluations). If you don't know how to say something, find another way to express it, or skip on to the next thing. No big.
Si hay preguntas, ya saben cómo comunicarse conmigo. Until we have the details figured out, I suggest making lists of what we've done so far, seeing anything you have questions about, asking questions in class this week, and studying :). For my 1pm class, you've got until midnight to let me know your groups (if you prefer picking them); sometime between that time and class tomorrow, I'll post the list of all the pairs (and most likely, the time slots for everyone--both classes--as well).
Hasta la próxima,
miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010
Abreviaturas de correcciones** (editada)
Aquí está la NUEVA lista de abreviaciones que yo uso en las correcciones de las composiciones. Si tienen preguntas, por favor, me escriben un mensaje. ¡Gracias!
Symbol Meaning Example (error/correct form)
A Accent missing, Tia- Tía
misplaced, or Páis- País
unnecessary naciónes- naciones
Agr Agreement error las chicas mono- las chicas monas
BW Better Word look for a more descriptive/sophisticated word
i.e. Dijo---afirmó, contestó, arguyó…
G Gender error el perspectivo—la perspectiva
E Used English ¡Use un diccionario!
Punc Punctuation error Qué haces?-- ¿Qué haces?
S.E. ser/estar error Yo soy muy contenta- Yo estoy muy contenta
SP Spelling
TE Verb tense error Ayer voy a casa- ayer fui a casa
MW/WM Word missing Juan no gusta- A Juan no le gusta
WO Word order El grande elefante- el elefante grande
WF Word Form Used adjective instead of noun; noun instead of adj.
Incorrectly formed a word using English as base
Ella lo recomendación- Ella lo recomienda
WW Wrong word or atender a clase- asistir a clase
VA Subject/Verb Nosotros van- Nosotros vamos
VC Verb choice Soy cansada- Estoy cansada
Él es quince años- Él tiene quince años
VF -Correct verb tense, Yo tení una cita- Yo tuve una cita
wrong form
-Conjugation error Ella pensa—ella piensa
Or, should be conjugated Creo que ella pensar- creo que ella piensa
-or incorrect mood
(subjunctive or indicative)
INF -Verb should be left in Yo quiero como- Yo quiero comer
VOC Not right word, Use dictionary to find correct/more precise word
Non-existing word,
Find more expressive
_ Should be lower Diciembre- diciembre
case Mi hermana y Yo- Mi hermana y yo
= Should be upper case
¿? sentence unclear
Rúbrica para composiciones
Aquí está la rúbrica para la composición del viernes. Si alguien quiere un email con una copia corregida (corrected) de su composición, por favor, me escriben un mensaje antes de las 3 de la tarde del jueves 28 de octubre. ¡Gracias!
A. Content and Consideration of Reader (10 points)
9 10 Interesting content and presentation; ideas well conceived and developed with sufficient examples. Consideration of potential reader readily apparent.
7 8 Some interesting content; points not always sustained or fully developed. At times presentation makes it difficult for the reader to follow.
5 6 Conventional ideas or clichés; little supporting detail or else vague and irrelevant elements. Consideration of reader rarely apparent.
3 4 Cursory; gives the impression of writing just to complete the assignment. No apparent consideration of reader.
B. Structure, Logic and Transitions (15 points)
14 15 Logical progression of ideas with clear transitions; thesis clearly stated; when appropriate, conclusion clearly stated; a good example of this type of composition.
11 12 13 Logical progression of ideas but often lacks transitions; thesis present but perhaps not clearly stated or else conclusion is lacking when needed.
8 9 10 Gaps in logic or no transitions; both statement of thesis and conclusion is lacking when needed.
6 7 Disorganized; appears to have been written as thoughts occurred to writer.
C. Vocabulary and Idioms (10 points)
9 10 Uses appropriate and varied vocabulary with no apparent English influence.
7 8 Usually uses appropriate vocabulary with some variety; some errors in usage which do not affect comprehensibility.
5 6 Often uses inappropriate or non-specific vocabulary; lack of variety in word choice.
3 4 Uses only elementary vocabulary; creates nonexistent words from English or uses words from English; translates English idioms verbatim.
D. Grammatical Accuracy (10 points)
9 10 Appropriate level of grammatical complexity; generally correct use of verb tenses and moods; generally correct use of agreement; grammatical errors which are present are appropriate for this level (e.g. use of articles, some uses of subjunctive, preterite/imperfect).
6 7 8 Grammatical errors sometimes affect comprehensibility of content; frequent errors in agreement and pronoun use but which largely do not affect comprehensibility of content; little use of tenses other than the present; syntax frequently reflects English rather than Spanish.
1 2 Content is largely incomprehensible due to inaccurate grammar OR reader must know English to comprehend it; little control of agreement and verb forms.
E. Punctuation and Spelling (5 points)
5 Correct spelling and use of accents (no more than two errors) and punctuation.
3 4 Occasional spelling and punctuation errors.
1 2 Frequent spelling and punctuation errors
0 No accents, very frequent spelling and punctuation errors.
martes, 26 de octubre de 2010
Present progressive (gerunds, explanation)
Today we worked with the present progressive (estar + gerund). Remember, to form the gerund for -ar verbs, we take off the ending and add -ando; to form the gerund for -er and -ir verbs, we take off the ending and add -iendo.
Certain exceptions:
(more exceptions, in an easy-to-study flashcard format, here)
Also, to form the present progressive for reflexive verbs (such as bathing yourself, dressing yourself, etc), we form the present progressive as usual and add the reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nos, os, se), either at the end of the gerund (the verb that ends in "-ndo") or before the conjugated "estar". When we attach the reflexive pronoun to the gerund, we must add an accent (either -ándo or -iéndo). Examples:
Certain exceptions:
- dormir --> durmiendo;
- venir --> viniendo;
- pedir --> pidiendo
- ir --> yendo
- preferir --> prefiriendo
- vestir --> vistiendo
(more exceptions, in an easy-to-study flashcard format, here)
Also, to form the present progressive for reflexive verbs (such as bathing yourself, dressing yourself, etc), we form the present progressive as usual and add the reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nos, os, se), either at the end of the gerund (the verb that ends in "-ndo") or before the conjugated "estar". When we attach the reflexive pronoun to the gerund, we must add an accent (either -ándo or -iéndo). Examples:
- Vestirse, él: Se está vistiendo; Está vistiéndose.
- Despertarse, tú: Te estás despertando; Estás despertándote.
- Ducharse, nosotros: Nos estamos duchando; Estamos duchándonos.
(more gerund formations, regular, here)
(Quizlet is actually a great site for making flashcards or for finding flashcards other people have made for Spanish, or a number of other subjects. You do have to join in order to make flashcards, but not to use the ones already made. And the best part? You can take them with you-- yep, they have mobile apps! Check it out!)
Ok- the powerpoint slides' images will be up by the end of the week. Please feel free to post questions, comments, or requests, as far as information goes.
Verbos Reflexivos (ppt)
Incluyo aquí las imágenes de una presentación de powerpoint que construyó un colega sobre los verbos reflexivos. Enjoy!
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