lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010

Tarea & updates


Favor de leer la sección de cultura sobre Costa Rica, páginas 190 a 191 en el libro de texto impreso (printed), y "Un paso más", páginas 194 a 195. Esta lectura es para mañana, martes, 9 de noviembre.

The details with regards to the oral exam (how long to talk, format, what additionals are allowed) are still being decided. I will upload the images here later on tonight. The mercado image won't be used; we'll find another one to replace it. By Wednesday all of the information will be clear.

What I expect will happen (no guarantees): we'll start off with basic saludos, talk a little about your likes & dislikes, a few minutes of conversation (similar to what we did for the extra credit), then spend about 3-5 minutes talking about each image. You pick one that you prepare a conversation about, and I will pick one for you to discuss in addition to that.

Most likely, you will not be allowed to have anything written with you, nor will you be allowed to use English (as with written evaluations). If you don't know how to say something, find another way to express it, or skip on to the next thing. No big.

Si hay preguntas, ya saben cómo comunicarse conmigo. Until we have the details figured out, I suggest making lists of what we've done so far, seeing anything you have questions about, asking questions in class this week, and studying :). For my 1pm class, you've got until midnight to let me know your groups (if you prefer picking them); sometime between that time and class tomorrow, I'll post the list of all the pairs (and most likely, the time slots for everyone--both classes--as well). 

Hasta la próxima,

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