Below, you will find the rubric I will use to grade the culture / glogster presentations. As it indicates, you will be graded on the impact your project has on recipient/audience of your poster, as well as the strength of the information and the organization of the material presented. You work will be classified as meeting the characteristics of one of the four levels (distinguished, proficient, apprentice or novice) for both of the categories. This rubric and the descriptions should give you a clearer idea of what your poster is expected to achieve, and how you are expected to present it.
General instructions for submission: All components should be brought with you to class on the due date. Late submissions will not be accepted, and absence from class will not be sufficient excuse for accepting late material. Not meeting any of the specifications listed below (submission of poster & rubric) will result in loss of points from final project grade. If there are any doubts about anything related to the project or the grade, questions should be made before the start of class on the project due date. Lack of understanding (followed by lack of asking for an explanation) will not be an excuse for lateness or non-submission.
Submission of Poster: As stated earlier, the poster should be printed on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. Your name should be written on the back of your poster in such a way that it is not visible through the paper. You do not need to print in color. If you feel the clarity of your poster's contents is significantly decreased in printing it, you may bring in--in addition to the printed version--a laptop to allow for your classmates to see the poster. You must still submit a printed version.
Submission of Rubric: Please bring a copy of this rubric along with your poster. You should print this on a separate sheet with at least five skipped lines between the descriptions of "Awareness of Audience" and "Strength of Material, Organization".
Element Being Evaluated | Distinguished | Proficient | Apprentice | Novice | Possible | Actual |
Awareness of Audience | • Significantly increases audience understanding and knowledge of topic; • Effectively convinces an audience to recog-nize the validity of a point of view. | • Raises audience understanding and awareness of most points; • Clear point of view, but development or support is inconclusive and incomplete. | • Raises audience understanding and knowledge of some points; • Point of view may be clear, but lacks development or sup-port. | • Does not really increase audience understanding of knowledge of topic; • Does not effectively convince the audi-ence. | ||
Strength of Material, Organization | • Clear purpose and subject; • Pertinent examples, facts, and/or statistics • Conclusions/ideas are supported by evidence; • Major ideas summa-rized and audience left with full understanding of presenter’s position. | • Has some success defining purpose and subject; • Some examples, facts, and/or statistics that support the subject; • Includes some data or evidence which sup-ports conclusions or ideas; • May need to refine summary or final idea. | • Attempts to define purpose and subject; • Weak examples, facts, and/or statistics, which do not adequately support the subject; • Includes very thin data or evidence in support of ideas or conclusions; • Major ideas may need to be summarized or audience is left with vague idea to remember. | • Subject and purpose are not clearly defined; • Very weak or no support of subject through use of exam-ples, facts, and/or sta-tistics; • Totally insufficient support for ideas or conclusions; • Major ideas left un-clear, audience left with no new ideas. |
I don't really understand the rubric. What exactly are we supposed to do?