martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

Estoy asignando las citas...

I'm giving the slots on a first-come basis, and graying the options out as they are filled. Email me asap, please. I'd like you to have your preferred spot, and I'd like to avoid scheduling problems. (Although, since all but one slot are during classtime, there should be no problem) My 1pm class, if you absolutely cannot do the 12:45-1pm slot on Monday, I suggest letting me know your preference quickly... ¡Gracias! Hasta mañana; I hope you all enjoyed class today; I will see you tomorrow. Don't forget to do the reading! (190-191, 194-195)

el viernes, 12 de noviembre-
12:15-12:30 NJ&KC
12:30-12:45 MM&CE
12:45-1 BM&BC
1-1:15 JC&MD
1:15-1:30 MK&FC
1:30-1:45 KG&SH 


el lunes, 15 de noviembre-
12-12:15 JB&RS
12:15-12:30 OE&MB
12:30-12:45 TG&MO
12:45-1 KK&RH
1-1:15 GL&AB
1:15-1:30 RA&JR
1:30-1:45 JH&AT
1:45-2 CC&FD

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