miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Abreviaturas de correcciones** (editada)

Aquí está la NUEVA lista de abreviaciones que yo uso en las correcciones de las composiciones. Si tienen preguntas, por favor, me escriben un mensaje. ¡Gracias!


Symbol            Meaning                        Example (error/correct form)

A                        Accent missing,            Tia-            Tía
                        misplaced, or                        Páis-            País
                        unnecessary                        naciónes- naciones

Agr                        Agreement error            las chicas mono- las chicas monas           

BW                        Better Word                        look for a more descriptive/sophisticated word
                                                                  i.e. Dijo---afirmó, contestó, arguyó…

G                        Gender error                        el perspectivo—la perspectiva
E                        Used English                        ¡Use un diccionario!

Punc                        Punctuation error            Qué haces?-- ¿Qué haces?

S.E.                        ser/estar error                        Yo soy muy contenta- Yo estoy muy contenta

SP                        Spelling

TE                        Verb tense error            Ayer voy a casa- ayer fui a casa

MW/WM            Word missing                        Juan no gusta- A Juan no le gusta

WO                        Word order                        El grande elefante- el elefante grande

WF                        Word Form                        Used adjective instead of noun; noun instead of adj.
                                                                        Incorrectly formed a word using English as base
                                                                        Ella lo recomendación- Ella lo recomienda

WW                        Wrong word or            atender a clase- asistir a clase

VA                        Subject/Verb                        Nosotros van- Nosotros vamos

VC                        Verb choice                        Soy cansada- Estoy cansada
                                                                        Él es quince años- Él tiene quince años

VF                        -Correct verb tense,                        Yo tení una cita- Yo tuve una cita
                        wrong form
                        -Conjugation error                        Ella pensa—ella piensa
                        Or, should be conjugated            Creo que ella pensar- creo que ella piensa
                        -or incorrect mood
(subjunctive or indicative)

INF                        -Verb should be left in             Yo quiero como- Yo quiero comer

VOC                        Not right word,            Use dictionary to find correct/more precise word
                        Non-existing word,
                        Find more expressive

_                        Should be lower               Diciembre- diciembre
                        case                                    Mi hermana y Yo- Mi hermana y yo

=                        Should be upper case

¿?                        sentence unclear

Rúbrica para composiciones

Aquí está la rúbrica para la composición del viernes. Si alguien quiere un email con una copia corregida (corrected) de su composición, por favor, me escriben un mensaje antes de las 3 de la tarde del jueves 28 de octubre. ¡Gracias!

A. Content and Consideration of Reader (10 points)
                  9      10      Interesting content and presentation; ideas well conceived and developed with sufficient examples. Consideration of potential reader readily apparent.
                  7      8      Some interesting content; points not always sustained or fully developed. At times presentation makes it difficult for the reader to follow.
                  5      6      Conventional ideas or clichés; little supporting detail or else vague and irrelevant elements. Consideration of reader rarely apparent.
                  3      4      Cursory; gives the impression of writing just to complete the assignment. No apparent consideration of reader.
B. Structure, Logic and Transitions (15 points)
                  14      15      Logical progression of ideas with clear transitions; thesis clearly stated; when appropriate, conclusion clearly stated; a good example of this type of composition.
11      12      13      Logical progression of ideas but often lacks transitions; thesis present but perhaps not clearly stated or else conclusion is lacking when needed.
8      9      10      Gaps in logic or no transitions; both statement of thesis and conclusion is lacking when needed.
                  6      7      Disorganized; appears to have been written as thoughts occurred to writer.
C. Vocabulary and Idioms (10 points)
                  9      10      Uses appropriate and varied vocabulary with no apparent English influence.
                  7      8      Usually uses appropriate vocabulary with some variety; some errors in usage which do not affect comprehensibility.
                  5      6      Often uses inappropriate or non-specific vocabulary; lack of variety in word choice.
                  3      4      Uses only elementary vocabulary; creates nonexistent words from English or uses words from English; translates English idioms verbatim.
D. Grammatical Accuracy (10 points)
                  9      10      Appropriate level of grammatical complexity; generally correct use of verb tenses and moods; generally correct use of agreement; grammatical errors which are present are appropriate for this level (e.g. use of articles, some uses of subjunctive, preterite/imperfect).
6      7      8      Grammatical errors sometimes affect comprehensibility of content; frequent errors in agreement and pronoun use but which largely do not affect comprehensibility of content; little use of tenses other than the present; syntax frequently reflects English rather than Spanish.
                  1      2      Content is largely incomprehensible due to inaccurate grammar OR reader must know English to comprehend it; little control of agreement and verb forms.
E. Punctuation and Spelling (5 points)
                  5            Correct spelling and use of accents (no more than two errors) and punctuation.
3            4      Occasional spelling and punctuation errors.
1            2      Frequent spelling and punctuation errors
                  0            No accents, very frequent spelling and punctuation errors.

martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Present progressive (gerunds, explanation)

Today we worked with the present progressive (estar + gerund). Remember, to form the gerund for -ar verbs, we take off the ending and add -ando; to form the gerund for -er and -ir verbs, we take off the ending and add -iendo.

Certain exceptions:

  • dormir --> durmiendo; 
  • venir --> viniendo; 
  • pedir --> pidiendo
  • ir --> yendo
  • preferir --> prefiriendo
  • vestir --> vistiendo

              (more exceptions, in an easy-to-study flashcard format, here)

Also, to form the present progressive for reflexive verbs (such as bathing yourself, dressing yourself, etc), we form the present progressive as usual and add the reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nos, os, se), either at the end of the gerund (the verb that ends in "-ndo") or before the conjugated "estar". When we attach the reflexive pronoun to the gerund, we must add an accent (either -ándo or -iéndo). Examples:

  • Vestirse, él: Se está vistiendo; Está vistiéndose.
  • Despertarse, tú: Te estás despertando; Estás despertándote.
  • Ducharse, nosotros: Nos estamos duchando; Estamos duchándonos
              (more gerund formations, regular, here)

(Quizlet is actually a great site for making flashcards or for finding flashcards other people have made for Spanish, or a number of other subjects. You do have to join in order to make flashcards, but not to use the ones already made. And the best part? You can take them with you-- yep, they have mobile apps! Check it out!)

Ok- the powerpoint slides' images will be up by the end of the week.  Please feel free to post questions, comments, or requests, as far as information goes. 

Verbos Reflexivos (ppt)

Incluyo aquí las imágenes de una presentación de powerpoint que construyó un colega sobre los verbos reflexivos.  Enjoy!